This site complements our research on grasping. For more information, please refer to one of the papers below.

A Learning-based Controller for Multi-Contact Grasps on Unknown Objects with a Dexterous Hand

IROS 2024 by Dominik Winkelbauer, Rudolph Triebel and Berthold Bäuml.

Full Paper


Combining Shape Completion and Grasp Prediction for Fast and Versatile Grasping with a Multi-Fingered Hand

Humanoids 2023 by Matthias Humt, Dominik Winkelbauer, Ulrich Hillenbrand and Berthold Bäuml.

Full Paper / Video


Learning-based Real-time Torque Prediction for Grasping Unknown Objects with a Multi-Fingered Hand

IROS 2023 by Dominik Winkelbauer, Berthold Bäuml and Rudolph Triebel.

Full Paper


A Two-stage Learning Architecture that Generates High-Quality Grasps for a Multi-Fingered Hand

IROS 2022 by Dominik Winkelbauer, Berthold Bäuml, Matthias Humt, Nils Thuerey and Rudolph Triebel.

Full Paper / Video
